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Australia has one of the lowest rates in the world for people trained in CPR and first aid

We share a few facts about first aid, this may shock you:

Fewer than 5% of people in Australia are trained in CPR and First Aid. This is one of the lowest rates in the world.

More than 33,000 Australians suffer cardiac arrest each year, and only 5%- 7% survive. This is due to lack of knowledge and training.

If CPR is performed in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest, it can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival.

112 is the emergency number for mobile phones. Triple zero will still work; however, 112 will digitally search for another network provider if you are out of reception.

First 2 You First Aid is a mobile training business! We deliver training at workplaces, sporting venues, childcare centres or even in the comfort of your own home! Whether you have a small or large group of people, take an advantage of this popular mobile service. Don’t let your busy schedule prevent you from learning lifelong skills.

Take action and enrol in a First2YouFirstAid training course today, click here to enrol.